Thailand and Cambodia Trip

Day 10 - December 10 2014

Thankfully for Mike’s toe, this was a free day. We were supposed to do a sport fishing trip, but the guy’s boat had something wrong with it and cancelled the tour. It ended up working out perfectly. We slept in, first time of the trip I believe, and had a late breakfast. We decided on massages on the beach. For $7 an hour, we got a massage of our choice on a cot on the beach. Not what we are used to at home. Mike had never had a deep tissue massage and needed one more than anyone I have met. We all got full body massages except Mike, who got only his back. One hour wasn’t enough, though. I was in need of a good foot massage due to working on my feet, and everyone followed suit. 

After Mike’s back was thoroughly worked upon and my feet were Jell-o, we got some lunch on the beach. After more relaxing in the hotel and at the pool, and it was time for dinner. The first free day of the trip came at the perfect time, and was much needed.