Grand Tetons and Yellowstone Trip

Day 3 - June 1 2022

We split up as couples for the day. Mike and I wanted to get some bicycle riding in and the weather was perfect for it, so we drove down to the town of Moose and rented a couple bikes from Adventure Sports. We biked up the Teton Park Road to Jenny Lake, which was about a 16 mile ride roundtrip. 

The cycle towards Jenny Lake is uphill, mostly with an easy climb but in some spots it was a heavy climb up. The bike path was in great condition and the views were amazing with the mountains on both sides of us and wildlife spotted throughout. We got to ride along with some longhorns trotting as a group, we saw a couple foxes, and a gorgeous eagle.

We paused at Jenny Lake to use the restroom and have some snacks before we made the, much easier, downhill ride. We returned the bikes, filled up on gas and made our way down to Jackson for some food.

We walked around town, visiting some shops and getting a feel for the area. It was a very cute downtown area. 

We had made plans to eat at an Italian restaurant, but when we showed up when they were supposed to be open, they had a temporary sign up saying they were closed. Instead, we went to Bin22, a wine bar with a tapas menu. They had a great outdoor patio for us to get comfy in. We were so glad we had come here instead. The food was right up our alley. We got a charcuterie platter, pesto toast, mushroom toast, roasted asparagus. All dishes were prepared so perfectly with depth of flavor, we were in heaven.

Full and tired, we drove back to the campsite to relax with our friends.