Ireland Trip

Day 5 - September 20 2018

Since Waterford was missed on the way down to Kinsale, we took the final day in Kinsale to visit Waterford. It was a very rainy Irish day as we dropped off the other four at the crystal factory.

We did not visit the famous Crystal Factory, but the family enjoyed the factory tour and took home numerous gifts.

Mike and I headed out to walk the city. It may have been due to the rainy weather or the fact that it was a weekday or maybe Waterford does not get much tourism outside of the factory, but the streets and paths were nearly empty and most shops were closed. We were able to find a couple coffee shops and a noodle restaurant to kill time in, but none were really worth noting. 

After the long, rainy, day, we headed back to Kinsale and felt like takeout from Dino’s-pounds of greasy fried food. Perfect for a rainy night. We headed to bed for an early morning in front of us.