England and Wales Trip

Day 1 - May 5 2019

After 18 hours of traveling, we arrived in Covent Garden, London. We checked our bags into the Hub by Premier hotel and slowly walked to the Brick Lane Sunday markets, stopping regularly for photos of the buildings and statues we passed. The Brick Lane area is best known for Indian food and is where Tikka Masala was born. As the story goes, it started off as an Indian dish but because the English were not much fans of spice, a ton of cream was added to the dish to make it to their taste, and it became wildly popular! The sidewalks were empty until we hit the markets where now the streets were packed with people and once in a while, a car would come along trying to creep through the sea of people.

We first hit the Upmarket food market which had culinary representation including Indonesian, Singapore street food, Dutch pancakes, Thai noodles, Indian curries, Mexican street tacos, you name it. We decided upon some Singapore noodles, Indian curry, and a bowl of 12 different Indian-influenced dishes ladled on top of each other. This bowl started with vegetarian side dishes like biryani rice, chickpea curry, feta and olives, and like 6 more I can’t remember. Then, it was topped with the meat curry of our choice (spicy option for us, obviously) and cilantro naan. This whole monstrosity was only 9 British pounds. Crazy.

We wandered Brick Lane, which was lined with street food vendors and homemade gifts and ended in Spitalfields Market, an enclosed outdoor Farmer’s market.

We started heading the direction of the hotel, stopping at a couple pubs, most notably The Seven Stars, which was a wonderfully tiny local pub, that houses it’s very own cat who wears a royal collar.

We were having beers but saw everyone in there drinking the same mixed drink, so for the second round, Mike asked what it was and ordered one. It was an Aperol Spritz- Prosecco, Aperol, club soda, and an orange slice. It was so good!

After making our way back to Covent Garden and checking into our hotel, we decided on Italian for dinner and hit a nearby Italian restaurant, Bacone. My goodness was it delicious. We had a bottle of red, a silk hankercheif  pasta: Walnut butter and egg yolk confit, and an order of the Bucatini cacio e pepe: thick handmade spaghetti noodles, four cheeses and black pepper. One of our favorite meals ever. The pasta was handmade and perfectly cooked. The sauces were honestly divine.

We got back to the room around 9:30, took a shower, and tucked in for a mere 14 hour sleep.