Grand Tetons and Yellowstone Trip

Day 11 - June 9 2022

Our final, non-travel, day of the trip. It has gone by so quickly!

We all got breakfast together at the Bridge Grill. Then, we parted ways and Mike and I went to try out paddleboarding for the first time at Park City SUP!

They are on the edge of a large pond which has really still water and a bunch of geese poop. Since we had never SUPed before, we wanted a really chill environment since neither of us really wanted to get into the water. This was the perfect place and we paddled for a couple hours, laughing the whole time. Neither of us fell in and we learned we really enjoyed it!

We changed and went back into town to get some tea and do some shopping. In the evening, we met up with the friends and went to dinner at Nosh. Oh my gosh Nosh was incredible. If this restaurant was near us, our waistlines would double. It was one of the better meals we’ve had in the US. 

We have an early night since we will be driving the long, ugly, highway back tomorrow. We had such an amazing time with the best company we could’ve asked for!