Mike and I felt like getting a hike in, so we woke up slowly and drove to the Taggart Lake trailhead. This ended up being our favorite hike of the trip. The beginning of the starts with a gorgeous creek fall, then the hike turns hilly and rocky as the trail follows Taggart Creek. Then, a section of the hike is walking through a bare Aspen forest. We wondered if a fire came through, it was very eerie. Then, the rest of the hike until we reached the lake was more open and flat, with beautiful plateaus. The lake itself was absolutely stunning and there were very few people on the trail or at the lake so it felt incredibly peaceful.
Thankfully, we only encountered birds and squirrels on this hike. I was obnoxiously yelling, “Hey Bear!” the whole hike!
After the hike, we popped into the Colter Bay Village to have a shower and get some more firewood. While there, there was a mom fox and her cubs! There was a sign saying that the momma fox burrows here when she has cubs because it is safe for her.
She's behind the sign
The four of us decided to get some dinner at the Signal Mountain Lodge. They were not serving dinner on the patio, so we got dinner to-go and ate it on a picnic table just below the restaurant, with a view of the sunset on the lake. Even better!
Our view
Before heading back, our friends had the great idea of visiting Jackson Lake Lodge for sunset views of the valley. This was our favorite viewpoint of the trip.