Ireland Trip

Day 9 - September 24 2018

We woke early for the drive to Doolin but found out some of the family had gotten food poisoning and needed a couple more hours to rest before getting into the cramped car. We were able to get a late checkout and drove up to Doolin, skipping the planned stop at Limerick to make the trip as short as possible.

The house in Doolin was the most unique of the trip. A cute cottage of seemingly endless rooms, we had a full setup and it was comfy enough for the family to have an easy night in to recover. We had plans to hit the Cliffs of Moher (the main reason we stayed in Doolin) on the next day, but the weather showed rain and clouds. However, it was blue skies now, so the parents, Mike and I took our chances hitting the cliffs for sunset. We only had about an hour and a half before the area closed, but that was just enough time to walk the cliffs, take a hundred pictures, and sit in awe of the stunning view.

We hit the grocery store on the way back to bring home some food for the recovering party. I was a bit worn down, so I decided to heat up some cup noodles and watch Netflix for the night while Mike and his parents went to a fun dinner at the local pub.