Each couple started their day separately for our first full day in Ireland. Mike and I woke early and, per the usual when we travel, we were rearing to start our day. We headed out to breakfast at Manning’s Cafe, which we adored. A couple locally sourced breakfasts, an americano, cappuccino, and two pastries later, we were stuffed and ready to burn these calories off by exploring!
We headed north-west towards Phoenix Park, a pristine park with paved paths miles long. Within the park is the Dublin Zoo, an attraction we did not plan on hitting. As it was still early in the morning, we looked in and saw absolutely no one in the zoo…we had to take advantage of this Monday morning empty park. We bought tickets and were able to see all exhibits and animals in the whole zoo in just an hour and a half! We maybe walked past 10 others in the whole zoo and all the animals were out and about. It was one of the best zoos we have been to, and to be able to have it all to ourselves was a real treat.
Once we were done at the zoo, we walked back through the park to meet up with the parents who were finishing breakfast. The four of us headed to the downtown area for some sight-seeing.
We visited the Dublin castle and courtyard, Trinity college, and all the great attractions Dublin has to offer. As the parents were exploring the Trinity college library, Mike and I snuck off for some Dublin ramen at The Ramen Bar. Mike and I LOVE ramen and try to make sure to get a bowl everywhere we travel.
Trinity College Campus
The group decided to meet back at The Long Hall, Mike and my favorite traditional pub in Dublin, for some drinks and to catch up on the day. Mike and I were the first to arrive at the pub and were able to get one round in before Mike’s parents found their way through downtown Dublin to the pub.
We informed the parents that we had booked a surprise dinner and show of Irish music and dancing in town. We all headed back to the house to clean up and check in for our reservations at Celtic Nights. It was a bit less of a production than I expected when researching, but the musicians had a great sense of humor, played beautiful music and the few dancers were great. I am so glad I read in a review to request to be close to the stage since some seats had large poles and barriers in the way of the view of the stage. We, on the other hand, were literally center stage as close as it gets. The food was very good and company great, so all in all, a success.