Netherlands and West Germany Trip
Day 10 - December 10 2023
It was time to move – again! We packed up and took a direct, 3.50-hour train to Frankfurt. Instead of hrabbing breakfast on the way, we figured we would get some snacks at the train station. They had a chain bakery and we got this whole spread to eat on the train for $15.

Once in Frankfurt, we walked 15 minutes to the station, thinking the fresh air would be nice. However, we should have just taken the subway to the hotel, because the sidewalks were busy and not exactly smooth for the suitcases. Once checked in, we got suited up and made our way to a Christmas market. We started with the largest, most popular market first. We knew it would be the busiest of the markets so far, but it still took us by surprise how many people there were. Being a Sunday didn’t help matters. However, the buildings lining the square are super cute.

It was a bit too much for us, so we continued our way through the downtown area to one of the other markets. This one was more palateable and only a minute walk from the first. We grabbed a gluhwein at the stall with the best mug to keep and did some shopping- food and otherwise.

We visited the other three smaller markets, one a super fun pink LGBTQ+ market, but ended up wanting to finish off at the second one.

All in all, we ate a few wursts and some fries. We are glad that we have a day trip planned for tomorrow, as we do not love Frankfurt as much as we did Dusseldorf and would not have much to do otherwise. We are hoping Heidelberg lives up to it’s expectations tomorrow since it’s our last day of the trip!