Philippines Trip

About our trip to the Philippines

Mike has travelled to Manila numerous times for work, sometimes up to 8 weeks at a time.  While he was there for a work trip, he was offered the chance to fly me out for a week on the company’s dime to thank us for all of his trips abroad. I got a call while at work from an excited Mike, telling me this. Thing is, I have to decide if I can or want to by end of day so the company can book the flights. After speaking with my boss, I said yes, feeling in a daze. I hadn’t seen Mike for weeks and I was going to get to join him in a country I had not been to yet!

When: April 2017
Why: Mike was on a business trip and the company offered to fly Jess up for the week.
How Long: 10 days
Most surprised us: How incredibly welcoming and generous Filipinos are. Mike’s work friends and the locals were so welcoming and generous. They really treat you like their guest and would give you the shirt off their back, even when they don’t know you yet. 
Most disappointed us: Nothing. Jess didn’t have the most authentic trip, since most of her time was spent in the BGC, but did get out to the local islands or Manila a couple times.  
Would we do it again: Mike and I would go back to visit his work friends again for sure. It would be great to see the other islands around as well.
Would we recommend it: It depends. Many parts of Manila are very impoverished. The islands have full-service resorts and beautiful beaches, but it can also be difficult to witness the suffering of others in the city and head to a luxury resort just a short boat ride away. The people of the country are what made it truly special for us. I don’t think we would recommend it if the purpose was not to experience the culture and community.