Philippines Trip

Day 5 - April 12 2017

Before Mike and his friend head to bed after their workday, we went to breakfast at a café called Wild Flour. They specialize in baked goods, which are some of the best we have had, which was a wonderful surprise. Alongside our breakfast, we got a croissant and sticky bun. Without question, it was the best croissant I had ever had.

The boys walked me to the farthest mall in the city where I would begin my day of shopping while they headed back for sleep. I spent the day mall hopping and wandering around the city.

Visiting the malls was an interesting experience. There are quite a few people in most of the malls…they just aren’t shopping. I understand that most people, aside from tourists, cannot afford any of the items in the stores in the malls. So, they walk around the malls, not in the stores. It was very strange to be inside a Forever 21 and be the only one shopping. There were five workers in that store…watching you shop. The workers also tended to follow me around when I shopped. My first reaction was “I promise I am not going to steal anything,” but it’s more of them being helpful, I think. In case you need or want something, you know they are there. It was a bit strange, though.

The really high-end malls have no one in them at all. Not even walking around. Complete ghost town feeling. The store clerks were standing around staring at the floor all day. No one walking in, no one shopping.

The city of BGC is very safe with a security guard  holding a semi-automatic rifle in hand at practically every cross street. This took some getting used to as well. I know they are there to protect foreigners, but it’s still unnerving to have people armed and just standing with me while I waited for the walk signal at a crossing.

The city is a bit of an adult’s Disneyland, complete with spas, salons, malls, restaurants and bars galore, safely tucked in a city where everyone working is smiling and calling you sir or ma’am. Without question, I was not getting a real Philippine experience within the city. However, it was a safe place for me to be able to wander alone in the daytime during the week I was there and Mike was at work.

I really wanted to get some authentic Filipino food while I was there. So, I headed to a very well reviewed comfort Filipino food restaurant named Manam. Two dishes I really wanted to try was sisig-meat, fat, and skin from the head and face of a pig fried up on a sizzling skillet with egg and lime-and sinigang- a sour broth soup with slow cooked beef and vegetables. Both are extremely popular Filipino dishes. I ordered those as well as a rice dish and fresh juice made from a locally grown fruit. All were so delicious! Fresh and flavorful. The whole meal- 3 dishes and fresh juice- came out to be under $10. I could really get used to this.

We enjoy another meal of ramen together at the same place Mike and I went to earlier. We had found out they had a vegetarian ramen for Mike’s work friend. Again, it was amazing, and I was so bummed I had gone my whole life without this food.