Slovenia and Portugal Trip

Day 1 - May 4 2023

We made it!! But we are SO EXHAUSTED. We forgot how difficult international travel is since neither of us can sleep on a plane. By the time we landed in Slovenia, we had been awake for 24 hours and they were not relaxing hours! The 3 flights were all on time and while they weren’t comfortable, there were no issues, so we were thankful. 

We picked up our rental car for the week we are here and Mike drove us to City Hotel, in downtown Ljubljana. It was the only non-luxury hotel we could find close to the pedestrian-only zone of downtown that had parking on-site. Our room is huge and we have a view of the city castle on the hill!

After much needed showers, we walked out to get some toiletries and food. Since we were looking for something quick and filling, we walked a couple blocks to a 24-hour Burek (Eastern Eurpoean savory pastry filled with meats and/or cheeses) shop. We got a cheese and a meat burek and they were HUGE! Greasy, flakey pastry filled with greasy fillings. Perfect coating for our very empty bellies.

With the small bits we have seen so far, the city is super clean and well-maintained. Everyone we have spoken to speaks English and is very nice and accommodating. We are so excited for tomorrow. But first, (hopefully) 12 hours of sleep!