Slovenia and Portugal Trip

Day 13 - May 16 2023

We woke up really early in hopes of beating the crowds out to the viewpoints and buildings we wanted to see. We wandered and took photos with very few people out.

At 8:30, we walked to breakfast at Do Norte Cafe for some breakfast toasts and coffee. They were just fine. 

Mike's mushroom toast
My spicy toast

We spent the rest of the day walking all over town, making sure we saw everything we wanted to and grabbing some pasteis and coffees along the way. 

We stopped in to the Mercado do Bolhão, a food market hall
We walked over to the South side of the river for some shots of the city

We did a bit of shopping and after hours of walking, we popped back in at the Futbol Club for a few more nibbles. Mike tried the Sangria on tap!

A traditional quick bite here- just shaved pork in a bun
So we saw a ton of people ordering these with their beers and we had to try some, but had no idea what they were. They are called Tremoços, or Lupini beans. They are a salty snack common in Portuguese bars. You shell them and eat the bean inside. They were seriously so good. Look at their little mouths!

We wound down a bit and cleaned up before hitting dinner reservations at BBQ Gaia on the other side of the river for grilled skewers.

Our view on the walk back from dinner. In the time we were eating, a naval ship (the left one 😉 )sailed in and anchored...

We decided to have another early night in. We will be leaving town tomorrow for a day trip. While Porto city is, of course, beautiful, the theme-park-level crowds in the day time are more than we bargained for. So, we are hoping to find a more relaxing day out of town.