Thailand and Cambodia Trip

Day 11 - December 11 2014

We woke up very early in the morning, and we were headed to Phi Phi island, rumored to be the party island. We took a packed ferry over and arrived at the hotel around noon. The island was obnoxiously covered with tourist shops and restaurants. After departing the ferry, we are forced to walk down uneven alleys covered in these open-air stalls that all seem to be selling the same gift shop stuff as the stall before it. Most of the other tourists are under thirty, many with shirts and shoes off while walking through the alleyways. The first thing that Dad says after seeing it is ” I don’t know where we are, but this is not Thailand.” If this was the only place Mike and I experienced of Thailand, we would never return.

Thankfully, the hotel is a perfect oasis. The rooms are beautiful. The infinity pool starts at our patio. There’s a swim-up bar  and fountains around the pool.

We ventured out for lunch and find that good Thai food is nowhere to be found. We must settle for tourist food. At least we get it with a beautiful view of the sunset over the horizon.

After some relaxing, Mike and I are feeling very antisocial and feel like hiding out in our room. We ran and got some pizza, hummus, and pad thai (gotta love our weird food combinations) and brought it back to the room. We lied in bed, ate, and watch Game of Thrones until we passed out.