Thailand and Cambodia Trip

Day 19 and 20 - December 19 and 20 2014

On the 19th, we woke up feeling like hell from the night before. Shots were, indeed, a terrible decision. We laid in bed all day, watching movies and getting takeout from nearby restaurants.
On the 20th, we headed back to the airport to fly to Bangkok. An hour and a half drive after landing, we checked in to our hotel in Pattaya.
Pattaya is similar to Bangkok with its busy streets and plethora of restaurants and bars. After cleaning up, the parents pick us up on motorbikes and drove us to a large store that sells everything from handmade wood carvings of elephants (lots of them) to weird 3-D posters of children. Surely, we can find gifts here.
And we did, a lot of them. That we now have to carry on motorbikes in the congested streets of Pattaya.
We got some lunch and they showed us to Beach St. Along the side of the road are bars and restaurants all facing the beach. We relaxed and bought some street food from the vendors that circle the block. Mike got fried crickets!! Said they taste like burnt popcorn.