Thailand and Cambodia Trip

Day 22 - December 22 2014

Check out time for the hotel is 11AM and Dad picks us up to take us back to his house to relax for our last few hours. We talked about the trip and reflected on how amazing it was while we waited for the car to pick us up. Once we had loaded up the car, I made a quick comment about our passports and Mike’s face went pale. “They are in the hotel. The passports are in our hotel in the safe.”
We jumped in the car and asked the driver to go as quick as he can back to the hotel. Traffic was horrible. It took 30 minutes to get a couple blocks and for the first time in this trip, I did not like Thailand.
Traffic was taking too long and the driver knew it will only be worse closer to the hotel, so the parents call the hotel and tell them to open the safe and get the passports. They ask the hotel to send someone on motorbike to meet us halfway to the airport so we are not late for our flight. The only hope for us being able to get back home was in the hotel concierge’s hands.
Fortunately, it was a nice hotel with a strong reputation and when we met him in an underground parking lot, he even asked to see our faces to make sure the passports were ours.
We got to the airport and thankfully, it was not busy.
Since we were flying with the wind, our flights went from a total of 18 hours ( the length flying there) to only 13.
A total of 9 flights in 3 weeks, not including ferries and drive time. 7 destinations in Thailand and Cambodia. Tons of amazingly spicy meals. Thousands of pictures taken. Countless incredible moments we will remember forever. It was such an amazing trip and honeymoon.